NGCOA Event Sponsorship Opportunities

The National Golf Course Owners Association offers a variety of ways to put you face-to-face with new customers. From annual event sponsorships to year-round partnerships — at multiple levels of financial commitment — your engagement with NGCOA and its members will show you returns on your investment.

Many of the golf industry’s biggest names are increasing their exposure and sales by working with us…shouldn’t your company join that list?


LIMITED SPACE! ACT NOW before sponsorships sell out.
Email [email protected] for details.

Sponsor Testimonial 3

“…I can trust NGCOA to book the best speakers, and facilitate the best networking at their events…at TechCon I learned about new tools, was able to discuss these with suppliers and with fellow course operators face-to-face.”

Sponsor Testimonial 2

“…Golf Business TechCon was an informative and beneficial conference to attend. There were a number of best practices discussed that we implemented at our properties. It was a well-organized and well-attended conference and I was pleased to participate. I would recommend this to others in the industry”

Sponsor Testimonial 1

“Golf Business TechCon is an invaluable experience. This smaller, more intimate show allows for strong networking connections to form with golf course owners and golf technology developers. The focus on the latest in golf technology introduces golf course owners to solutions to their problems in areas including website creation and social media marketing.”

Golf Business TechCon

Connect with golf course owners and other decision makers who are looking to transform their golf businesses with the latest technologies. Show them how your products and services can boost their revenue, make their business run more effectively and efficiently, save them money, and make the golfing experience more rewarding and fun for their customers. Previous NGCOA speciality events, like Golf Business TechCon, brought together, on average, 130+ owners and operators, representing over 850 courses from across the country.


  • Admission to all education, event-related meals and networking
  • Sponsor Fair, which includes a table top exhibit area, 6’x30″ skirted table, chair(s), 8.5″ x 11″ company logo sign, wifi access and electrical if needed
  • Recognition in pre- and post-event marketing:
    • on the event website, which includes a full corporate profile on the Sponsor Zone
    • on signage
    • in Golf Business event advertising
    • in Golf Business mobile event app
  • Optional inclusion of your company materials and/or gifts in attendee welcome bags
  • Access to attendee list with contact information
  • Complimentary $495 Corporate Membership


Sponsorship includes attendance for four (4) representatives


Sponsorship includes attendance for two (2) representatives


Sponsorship includes attendance for one (1) representative

Only suppliers who sponsor can attend this event; custom packages are also available.

Email [email protected] for details.