Water is essential to the golf industry, yet golf facilities in many U.S. western states are frequently faced with an inadequate water supply. It goes without saying that the water flowing into the southwestern states from the Colorado Basin is the lifeblood of our industry, and when the availability is reduced, it can put a major strain on your golf course business and your customers.
How can you keep your golf course business viable when less water is available? What steps can you take to understand how less water will impact your golf business? And what plans should you put in place NOW to prepare for future water reduction?
Attend the Colorado Basin Golf & Water Summit
October 12 in Las Vegas to:
- Get the latest information on the critical state of water from the USGA, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the Colorado Department of Natural Resources and others related to the Colorado Basin
- Hear directly from officials with the Colorado Basin State Water Management on what challenges lie ahead for this region
- Explore what our industry should be doing to continue operating with less water
- Learn various ways to reduce water consumption throughout your golf facility
- Hear best practices in water reduction planning from your golf course owner and operator peers
- Discover the irrigation technologies that have been proven effective, and how much they cost
- Ascertain the resources that are available from the state and federal government to assist with these major capital investments
- Determine effective ways to communicate these changes to golfers so they understand the challenges and recognize and respect your efforts to use less water
All education takes place in the Viñoly Grand Ballroom.
October 11
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
October 12
7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Registration & Badge Pick-Up
7:30 am – 8:30 am
8:30 am – 9:00 am
Welcoming Remarks and Updates from Allied Organizations
Matt Ginella – Founder & Chief Executive Officer, The Fire Pit Collective, Water Summit Emcee
9:00 am – 9:15 am
Remarks — USGA
9:15 am – 10:15 am
PANEL | Current State of Policy – State and Federal Level
Colby Pellegrino – Deputy General Manager of Resources, Southern Nevada Water Authority
Stacy Wade – Lower Colorado Basin Deputy Director, United States Bureau of Reclamation
Get the latest update on federal water management policy, and understand how it’s impacting the Colorado River Basin and regional planning decisions. How do things look for our area today, as well as in 3-5 years (based on current data)? You’ll also discover what federal funding is being provided to Basin states and communities to help implement long-term conservation strategies.
10:15 am – 10:45 am
Networking Break
10:45 am – 12:00 pm
PANEL | Current State of Policy – Lower/Upper Basin and State Level
Robert Cheng, PhD – Assistant General Manager, Coachella Valley Water District
Colby Pellegrino – Deputy General Manager of Resources, Southern Nevada Water Authority
Katie Prendergast – Executive Director, Arizona Golf Alliance
Deven Upadhyay – Assistant General Manager & Executive Officer, Southern California Metro Water District
Hear real-time state-level policy updates from leaders in the regional water and conservation space. Discover what impact federal policy has on water management on the state and local levels, and explore actions being taken in the region to promote water conservation. How will your region and your facility be impacted in 2026 when current water allocation compacts/agreements expire? We’ll also discuss available financial assistance and incentives that golf facilities can tap to help meet water conservation goals.
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
PANEL | Best Practices – Short-Term and Long-Term Tactics
Pat Christoffer, CGCS – Director of Agronomy, Red Ledges Golf Club (Heber City, UT)
Tyler Truman – Director of Agronomy, Mountain Vista Golf Club (Palm Desert, CA)
Curtis Tyrrell, CGCS, MG – Director of Agronomy, Desert Highlands Golf Club (Scottsdale, AZ)
We’re all changing our business processes to conserve water and reduce chemical applications on the golf course… but how are we getting it done? This session will dive into tactics you can implement immediately and plan for in the near future. You’ll hear from directors of agronomy how their facilities are planning for their capital investment, and how much they’re spending. Is ROI attainable? We’ll also discuss how golfers and their communities have been reacting to these modifications.
2:00 pm – 2:15 pm
Networking Break
2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
PANEL | Impact of Reduced Water – Examining Our Options
Parker Cohn – Founder & CEO, Performance Resource Management
Stephanie Duer – Water Conservation Manager, Salt Lake City
James Symons – Director of Agronomy, Anthem Country Club (Las Vegas, NV)
This session’s focus is on solutions. What options do golf course owners have to offset the impact of reduced water? What technologies can support golf courses’ requirement to reduce water consumption… and how feasible are they? This session will explore and delve deeper into various options with experts in water conservation.
3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Networking Break
3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
PANEL | Marketing to Your Golfers — Customer-Minded Communications and PR Messaging Strategies
Thom Blinkinsop – General Manager, Red Rock Country Club (Las Vegas, NV)
Shelley Caiazzo – General Manager, Anthem Country Club (Las Vegas, NV)
Kevin Fitzgerald – Assistant Director, Public Affairs, Southern California Golf Association
As we continue this critical journey to reduce our water consumption, golf course owners and operators may need assistance in educating and informing various audiences about the positive actions being taken by the facility and the industry. Strategies learned in this session will not only help golf courses learn how to temper their golfers’ expectations of course conditions when less water is available, but also learn to communicate to golfers and their communities about the industry’s continued commitment to our sport, our environment, the economy and the Southwest lifestyle.
4:00 pm – 4:15 pm
Remarks — Rain Bird
4:15 pm – 5:00 pm
PANEL | New Research — What’s on the Horizon?
Dr. James Baird – Turfgrass Specialist, UC Riverside
Dr. Tony Koski – Professor and Extension Turf Specialist, Colorado State University
Dr. Bernd Leinauer – Regents Professor and Turfgrass Extension Specialist, New Mexico State University
Dr. Matteo Serena – Senior Manager, Irrigation and Research Services, USGA Green Section
The industry is constantly developing research that supports golf courses’ efforts to reduce water and chemical applications. Who is conducting the research and who else is involved? When can golf facility owners and the public expect to see this research? This session will discuss the types of investments a golf course business can expect to make to implement these new products and services.
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Exhibitor Happy Hour & Closing Reception
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Dr. James Baird
Turfgrass Specialist
UC Riverside

Thom Blinkinsop
General Manager
Red Rock Country Club

Shelley Caiazzo
General Manager
Anthem Country Club

Robert Cheng, PhD
Assistant General Manager
Coachella Valley Water District

Pat Christoffer, CGCS
Director of Agronomy
Red Ledges Golf Club

Parker Cohn
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Performance Resource Management

Stephanie Duer
Water Conservation Manager
Salt Lake City

Rhett Evans

Kevin Fitzgerald
Assistant Director, Public Affairs
Southern California Golf Association

Matt Ginella
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Fire Pit Collective
Water Summit Emcee

Jay Karen

Craig Kessler
Director, Public Affairs

Dr. Tony Koski
Professor and Extension Turf Specialist
Colorado State University

Dr. Bernd Leinauer
Regents Professor and Turfgrass Extension Specialist
New Mexico State University

Colby Pellegrino
Deputy General Manager, Resources
Southern Nevada Water Authority

Katie Prendergast
Executive Director of the Arizona Golf Alliance

Don Rea, PGA
Vice President, PGA of America
Owner, Augusta Ranch Golf Club

Dr. Matteo Serena
Senior Manager, Irrigation and Research Services
USGA Green Section

James Symons
Director of Agronomy
Anthem Country Club

Tyler Truman
Director of Agronomy
Mountain Vista Golf Club

Curtis Tyrrell, CGCS, MG
Director of Agronomy
Desert Highlands Golf Club

Deven Upadhyay
Assistant General Manager & Executive Officer
Southern California Metropolitan Water District

Stacy Wade
Lower Colorado Basin Deputy Director
United States Bureau of Reclamation
Planning & Education Committee
Marc Connerly, NGCOA CA, NV, AZ
Craig Kessler, SCGA
Jeff Jensen, GCSAA
Mark Johnson, GCSAA
Ronnie Miles, NGCOA
Tom O’Malley, Saddleback Golf Club
Katie Prendergast, Arizona Golf Alliance
Mike Ray, PGA of America, West Region
Matt Rogers, PGA of America
Dr. Matteo Serena, USGA
Dr. Cole Thompson, USGA
Hunki Yun, USGA
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Vdara Hotel & Spa
2600 W Harmon Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89158
The Colorado Basin Golf & Water Summit and overnight accommodations will take place at the Vdara Hotel & Spa in the heart of the Las Vegas Strip.
Reserve your room(s) at the Vdara Hotel & Spa >
Deadline for obtaining the group rate at the Vdara Hotel & Spa is September 8, 2023.
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